A - Atmosphere

D - Depth

E - Error

F- Fungus

G - Garfield

I - Infinite Discount Legos

J - Juice

K - Kleenex

L - Liquid

M - Mix? Monster? Monster Mix

O - Outdrink

P - Particles

Q - Quantity Over Quality

R - Radioactive

S - Sketch

T - Tools

U - Utter Nonsense

V - Vibration

W - Wild West

X - Xyloid

Y - Yore

Z - Zip

1 - One Vaporwave Please

2 - Two Legs

3 - Three Hats

4 - Four Seasons

5 - Five Senses

6 - Six Faces

7 - Seven Colours

8 - Eight Pistons

And that concluded 36 Days of Type. 
The next renders I did for fun, except for the ampersand, which was an addition to this edition of 36 Days of Type. 

Æ - Æbstract

Ø - Øutrun

Å - Åker (norwegian for field, as in cornfield)

40 - 40 days of daily uploads :)

& - Ampersand

! - Exclamation mark!

? - Question mark?
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